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nornir_cli has a workflow that is familiar to the nornir user. There is:

You can run a workflow as a single command or you can split it into parts

Initializing Nornir#

You can initialize nornir with a configuration file, with code or with a combination of both.

With configuration file#

Let's start with a configuration file. It is a typical Nornir configuration file.

By default, nornir_cli uses config.yaml in your current working directory. But you can specify path to your own configuration file with option --config_file or -c:

# with default config.yaml in current working directory
$ nornir_cli nornir-netmiko init

# with path to config_file
$ nornir_cli nornir-netmiko init -c ~/config.yaml
Why is nornir-netmiko here? nornir_cli runs Tasks based on Nornir plugins or your custom Nornir runbooks, so the first step is to select an available plugin or custom group (see Runbook collections).

For version 1.3.0, the following Nornir plugins are available:

$ nornir_cli --help
Usage: nornir_cli [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Nornir CLI

  Orchestrate your Inventory and start Tasks and Runbooks

  --version  Show the version and exit.
  --help     Show this message and exit.

  nornir-f5        nornir_f5 plugin
  nornir-http      nornir_http plugin
  nornir-jinja2    nornir_jinja2 plugin
  nornir-napalm    nornir_napalm plugin
  nornir-netconf   nornir_netconf plugin
  nornir-netmiko   nornir_netmiko plugin
  nornir-paramiko  nornir_paramiko plugin
  nornir-pyez      nornir_pyez plugin
  nornir-pyxl      nornir_pyxl plugin
  nornir-routeros  nornir_routeros plugin
  nornir-scrapli   nornir_scrapli plugin

Without a configuration file#

You can initialize nornir programmatically without a configuration file.

-f or --from_dict option waits json string:

-c or --config_file can be "", None, null

Here you can pass parameters as json strings using "=" or without it. In the case of "=", the nornir_cli completely repeats the syntax from Nornir runbooks, and you can use the Nornir configuration patterns that are already familiar to you (or see the Nornir docs). In the case without using "=", you can pass all parameters as a json string. This can be useful in scripts or automation pipelines, when using nornir_cli with json utilities such as jq, jc. This way(json string using "=" or json string without "=") you can pass parameters to initializing, filtering and Nornir plugins/tasks running processes.


$ nornir_cli nornir-netmiko init -c "" -f 'inventory={"plugin":"NetBoxInventory2", \
"options": {"nb_url": "http://your_netbox_domain", "nb_token": "your_netbox_token", \
"ssl_verify": false}} runner={"plugin": "threaded", "options": {"num_workers": 50}} \
logging={"enabled":true, "level": "DEBUG", "to_console": true}'
$ nornir_cli nornir-netmiko init -c "" -f '{"inventory":{"plugin":"NetBoxInventory2", \
"options": {"nb_url": "http://your_netbox_domain", "nb_token": "your_netbox_token", \
"ssl_verify": false}}, "runner":{"plugin": "threaded", "options": {"num_workers": 50}}, \
"logging":{"enabled":true, "level": "DEBUG", "to_console": true}}'

Or you can initialize nornir with a combination of both methods:

Both ways#

$ nornir_cli nornir-netmiko init -f 'runner={"plugin": "threaded", "options": {"num_workers": 50}}'
$ nornir_cli nornir-netmiko init -f '{"runner":{"plugin": "threaded", "options": {"num_workers": 50}}}'

-c or --config_file uses config.yaml in your current working directory, by default, so there is no -c option and only -f option here


nornir_cli follows Nornir filtering interface.

init returns nornir.core.Nornir object, which saved to temp.pkl file for future reference. init is enough to perform once in any way described above. After that, you can filter inventory.

Now, let's take nornir_netbox inventory plugin and do init, at first:


# we will use NetBox Inventory
plugin: NetBoxInventory2
  nb_url: "http://your_nebox_domain"
  nb_token: "your_netbox_token"
  ssl_verify: False


# -u / --username and -p / --password  will assign a username and password in defaults
# -co / --connection_options will assign options for Scrapli framework
# huawei is here just as an example
$ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli init -u username -p password -co '{"scrapli": {"platform": "huawei_vrp", "extras":{"ssh_config_file": true}}}'

And now let's filter NetBox inventory, as instance:


# let's filter current inventory and get dev_1 inventory object 
# --hosts shows filtered hosts list
$ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli filter --hosts name=dev_1
# --inventory=host shows "hosts" inventory parameters for filtered hosts (dev_1 in example)
# --hosts shows filtered hosts list
# huawei is here just as an example
$ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli filter --inventory=hosts --hosts 'primary_ip={"address": "", "family": 4, "id": 13, "url": "http://your_netbox_domain/api/ipam/ip-addresses/13/"} name=dev_1'

# or an alternative way(json string without "=")
# $ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli filter --inventory=hosts --hosts '{"primary_ip":{"address": "", "family": 4, "id": 13, "url": "http://your_netbox_domain/api/ipam/ip-addresses/13/"}, "name":"dev_1"}'
    "hosts": {
        "dev_1": {
            "name": "dev_1",
            "connection_options": {},
            "groups": [],
            "data": {
                "id": 13,
                "name": "dev_1",
                "display_name": "dev_1",
                "device_type": {


            "hostname": "",
            "port": null,
            "username": "username",
            "password": "password",
            "platform": "huawei"
# --hosts shows filtered hosts list
# -a / --advanced option enables advanced filtering
$ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli filter --hosts -a 'name__contains=dev_1 device_role__name__contains=spine'

# the same with &
$ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli filter --hosts -a 'name__contains=dev_1 & device_role__name__contains=spine'

# or |
$ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli filter --hosts -a 'name__contains=dev_1 | name__contains=dev_2'
Are you sure you want to output list of all required hosts on stdout? [Y/n]:

# another example
# --count shows the first 3 items from filtered inventory (for hosts list with --hosts option in example)
$ nornir_cli nornir-netmiko filter --hosts --count 3 -a 'data__device_type__model__contains=S2320-28TP-EI-DC & name__contains=dev_ | data__device_type__model__contains=S2320-28TP-EI-DC & name__contains=access'

By default, the filtered Inventory is not saved for future reference. It was done to perform init only once, and then to filter Inventory and run any commands from Nornir Plugins (see available plugins with nornir_cli --help command) or Nornir Runbooks (see Runbook collections) as a single command (see Command chains). This is useful and saves time on init with large inventories.

But, you can save the Inventory state after filtering with -s or --save option and work with new Inventory object. So any commands from Nornir Plugins or Nornir Runbooks will be run for the saved object.

Filter Inventory ans save it as much as needed. Perform init if you need to return full Inventory state again.

As instance, let's save Inventory after simple filtering:

# get new inventory object with single host (dev_1)
# --hosts shows filtered and saved hosts
$ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli filter --hosts -s name=dev_1

IMPORTANT: if you want to save the Inventory state after filtering for future references, please use --save or -s option.

Show inventory#

As you may have already noticed, it's possible to view the current inventory state with show_inventory command:

$ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli show_inventory -i hosts -h -g --count 6
# hosts inventory
    "hosts": {
        "dev_1": {
            "name": "dev_1",
            "connection_options": {},
            "groups": [],
            "data": {
                "id": 13,
                "name": "dev_1",
                "display_name": "dev_1",
                "device_type": {


            "hostname": "",
            "port": null,
            "username": "username",
            "password": "password",
            "platform": "huawei"
        ...  # there is 6 Hosts Inventory in json format
# hosts list
# groups list
-i or --inventory option can be hosts, groups, defaults or all.

-cou or --count is counter, that refers to each requested parameter.

-cou or --count can be:

  • --count -100 - last 100 items

  • --count 100 - first 100 items

  • --count 0 - 0 items

  • without --count option - all items (default value)

As instance:

$ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli show_inventory -h -cou 2
# hosts list for the first 2 hosts 
-h or --hosts option is default option, so the same is nornir_cli nornir-scrapli show_inventory -cou 2.

For the latest 2 hosts from Inventory use -cou -2

$ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli show_inventory -h -g -cou 2
# hosts list for the first 2 hosts
# groups list for the first 2 groups (groups don't exist)
$ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli show_inventory -h -i hosts -cou 2
# hosts inventory for the first 2 hosts
    "hosts": {
        "dev_1": {
            "name": "dev_1",
            "connection_options": {},
            "groups": [],
            "data": {
                "id": 13,
                "name": "dev_1",
                "display_name": "dev_1",
                "device_type": {


            "hostname": "",
            "port": null,
            "username": "username",
            "password": "password",
            "platform": "huawei"
        "dev_2": {
            "name": "dev_2",
            "connection_options": {},
            "groups": [],
            "data": {
                "id": 14,
                "name": "dev_2",
                "display_name": "dev_2",
                "device_type": {


            "hostname": "",
            "port": null,
            "username": "username",
            "password": "password",
            "platform": "huawei"

# hosts list for the first 2 hosts

$ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli show_inventory -h -i all -cou 2
# hosts inventory for the first 2 hosts
    "hosts": {
        "dev_1": {
            "name": "dev_1",
            "connection_options": {},
            "groups": [],
            "data": {
                "id": 13,
                "name": "dev_1",
                "display_name": "dev_1",
                "device_type": {


            "hostname": "",
            "port": null,
            "username": "username",
            "password": "password",
            "platform": "huawei"
        "dev_2": {
            "name": "dev_2",
            "connection_options": {},
            "groups": [],
            "data": {
                "id": 14,
                "name": "dev_2",
                "display_name": "dev_2",
                "device_type": {


            "hostname": "",
            "port": null,
            "username": "username",
            "password": "password",
            "platform": "huawei"
# groups inventory for the first 2 groups (groups don't exist)
    "groups": {}
# defaults inventory is always 1, so counter (`-cou` or `--count`) doesn't work for it
    "defaults": {
        "data": {},
        "connection_options": {},
        "hostname": null,
        "port": null,
        "username": "username",
        "password": "password",
        "platform": null
# hosts list for the first 2 hosts
all inventory here is the first 2 hosts, groups (groups don't exist in example) and defaults inventory parameters. Counter (-cou or --count) doesn't work for defaults, because defaults is always 1.

And you can invoke show_inventory command from init or filter commands with -i / --inventory, -h / --hosts, -g / --groups options.

Changing credentials#

You can change credentials in any time for current Inventory with change_credentials command.

To save Inventory state for future references use -s or --save option.

$ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli change_credentials --help
Usage: nornir_cli nornir-scrapli change_credentials [OPTIONS]

  Change username and password for current Nornir object.

  If no options are specified, the username and password will be changed for
  defaults only, as instance:

      nornir_cli nornir-scrapli change_credentials -u user -p password
      show_inventory -i defaults

  If only hosts or groups are specified (use string for single host and list
  of strings for many hosts), then the username and password will be changed
  only for them, as instance:

      nornir_cli nornir-scrapli change_credentials -u user -p password -h

  To change the username and password for all hosts or groups, use "all" as
  option value, as instance:

      nornir_cli nornir-scrapli change_credentials -u user -p password -h

  -u, --username TEXT  Hosts, groups or defaults username
  -p, --password TEXT  Hosts, groups or defaults password
  -h, --hosts TEXT     List of hosts (json string) or single host (str)
  -g, --groups TEXT    List of groups (json string) or single group (str)
  -d, --defaults       Defaults credentials
  -s, --save           Save Nornir object with new credentials to pickle file
                       for later use
  --help               Show this message and exit.

Let's take nornir_netbox inventory plugin and do init, at first:


# we will use NetBox Inventory
plugin: NetBoxInventory2
  nb_url: "http://your_nebox_domain"
  nb_token: "your_netbox_token"
  ssl_verify: False


# -u / --username and -p / --password  will assign a username and password in defaults
$ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli init -u username -p password

And now let's change_credentials for defaults Inventory and run show_inventory with new credentials:

# use -s option to save Inventory with new credentials for future references
$ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli change_credentials -u user -p pass show_inventory -i defaults
    "defaults": {
        "data": {},
        "connection_options": {},
        "hostname": null,
        "port": null,
        "username": "user",
        "password": "pass",
        "platform": null

change_credentials for all hosts and check hosts Inventory with new credentials (you can do the same for groups Inventory):

# use -s option to save Inventory with new credentials for future references
$ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli change_credentials -u user -p pass -h all show_inventory -i hosts
    "hosts": {
        "dev_1": {
            "name": "dev_1",
            "connection_options": {},
            "groups": [],
            "data": {},
            "hostname": "",
            "port": 22,
            "username": "user",
            "password": "pass",
            "platform": null
        # other hosts

change_credentials for hosts list and check hosts Inventory with new credentials (you can do the same for groups Inventory):

# use -s option to save Inventory with new credentials for future references
$ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli change_credentials -u username -p password -h '["dev_1"]' show_inventory -i hosts
    "hosts": {
        "dev_1": {
            "name": "dev_1",
            "connection_options": {},
            "groups": [],
            "data": {},
            "hostname": "",
            "port": 22,
            "username": "username",
            "password": "password",
            "platform": null
        # other hosts with "user" username and "password" password

Also, you can use environment variables, NORNIR_CLI_USERNAME and NORNIR_CLI_PASSWORD:


# use -s option to save Inventory with new credentials for future references
$ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli change_credentials -h '["dev_1"]' show_inventory -i hosts
    "hosts": {
        "dev_1": {
            "name": "dev_1",
            "connection_options": {},
            "groups": [],
            "data": {},
            "hostname": "",
            "port": 22,
            "username": "user",
            "password": "pass",
            "platform": null
        # other hosts with "user" username and "password" password

Tasks and runbooks#

I must say that each argument or option parameter can be passed to the Task as a json string. It's important.

Single tasks#

Ok, now we have filtered inventory for dev_1:

# we will use NetBox Inventory
plugin: NetBoxInventory2
  nb_url: "http://your_nebox_domain"
  nb_token: "your_netbox_token"
  ssl_verify: False
# -u / --username and -p / --password  will assign a username and password in defaults
# -co / --connection_options will assign options for Scrapli framework
# huawei is here just as an example
$ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli init -u username -p password -co '{"scrapli": {"platform": "huawei_vrp", "extras":{"ssh_config_file": true}}}'
# let's filter current inventory, get dev_1 inventory object and save it
# --hosts shows filtered hosts list
$ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli filter --hosts -s name=dev_1

# or an alternative way(json string)
# $ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli filter --hosts -s '{"name":"dev_1"}'

And let's start some Task based on Nornir plugins:

At first, let's check all available Tasks/commands for current list of Nornir plugins:

$ nornir_cli nornir-netmiko
Usage: nornir_cli nornir-netmiko [OPTIONS] COMMAND1 [ARGS]... [COMMAND2

  nornir_netmiko plugin

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  change_credentials     Change username and password
  filter                 Do simple or advanced filtering
  init                   Initialize a Nornir
  netmiko_commit         Execute Netmiko commit method
  netmiko_file_transfer  Execute Netmiko file_transfer method
  netmiko_multiline      Execute Netmiko send_multiline method (or
  netmiko_save_config    Execute Netmiko save_config method
  netmiko_send_command   Execute Netmiko send_command method (or
  netmiko_send_config    Execute Netmiko send_config_set method (or
  print_result           print_result from nornir_utils
  show_inventory         Show current inventory
  write_file             Write_file, but not from nornir_utils
  write_result           Write `Result` object to file
  write_results          Write `Result` object to files
$ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli
Usage: nornir_cli nornir-scrapli [OPTIONS] COMMAND1 [ARGS]... [COMMAND2

  nornir_scrapli plugin

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  cfg_abort_config         Abort a device candidate config with scrapli-cfg
  cfg_commit_config        Commit a device candidate config with scrapli-cfg
  cfg_diff_config          Diff a device candidate config vs a source config
                           with scrapli-cfg
  cfg_get_config           Get device config with scrapli-cfg
  cfg_get_version          Get device version with scrapli-cfg
  cfg_load_config          Load device config with scrapli-cfg
  change_credentials       Change username and password
  filter                   Do simple or advanced filtering
  get_prompt               Get current prompt from device using scrapli
  init                     Initialize a Nornir
  netconf_capabilities     Retrieve the device config with scrapli_netconf
  netconf_commit           Commit the device config with scrapli_netconf
  netconf_delete_config    Send a "delete-config" rcp to the device with
  netconf_discard          Discard the device config with scrapli_netconf
  netconf_edit_config      Edit config from the device with scrapli_netconf
  netconf_get              Get from the device with scrapli_netconf
  netconf_get_config       Get config from the device with scrapli_netconf
  netconf_lock             Lock the device with scrapli_netconf
  netconf_rpc              Send a "bare" rcp to the device with
  netconf_unlock           Unlock the device with scrapli_netconf
  netconf_validate         Send a "validate" rcp to the device with
  print_result             print_result from nornir_utils
  send_command             Send a single command to device using scrapli
  send_commands            Send a list of commands to device using scrapli
  send_commands_from_file  Send a list of commands from a file to device using
  send_config              Send a config to device using scrapli
  send_configs             Send configs to device using scrapli
  send_configs_from_file   Send configs from a file to device using scrapli
  send_interactive         Send inputs in an interactive fashion using
                           scrapli; usually used to handle prompts
  show_inventory           Show current inventory
  write_file               Write_file, but not from nornir_utils
  write_result             Write `Result` object to file
  write_results            Write `Result` object to files
$ nornir_cli nornir-napalm
Usage: nornir_cli nornir-napalm [OPTIONS] COMMAND1 [ARGS]... [COMMAND2

  nornir_napalm plugin

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  change_credentials  Change username and password
  filter              Do simple or advanced filtering
  init                Initialize a Nornir
  napalm_cli          Run commands on remote devices using napalm
  napalm_configure    Loads configuration into a network devices using napalm
  napalm_get          Gather information from network devices using napalm
  napalm_ping         Executes ping on the device and returns a dictionary
                      with the result
  napalm_validate     Gather information with napalm and validate it
  print_result        print_result from nornir_utils
  show_inventory      Show current inventory
  write_file          Write_file, but not from nornir_utils
  write_result        Write `Result` object to file
  write_results       Write `Result` object to files
$ nornir_cli nornir-jinja2
Usage: nornir_cli nornir-jinja2 [OPTIONS] COMMAND1 [ARGS]... [COMMAND2

  nornir_jinja2 plugin

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  change_credentials  Change username and password
  filter              Do simple or advanced filtering
  init                Initialize a Nornir
  print_result        print_result from nornir_utils
  show_inventory      Show current inventory
  template_file       Renders contants of a file with jinja2. All the host
                      data is available in the template
  template_string     Renders a string with jinja2. All the host data is
                      available in the template
  write_file          Write_file, but not from nornir_utils
  write_result        Write `Result` object to file
  write_results       Write `Result` object to files
$ nornir_cli nornir-pyez
Usage: nornir_cli nornir-pyez [OPTIONS] COMMAND1 [ARGS]... [COMMAND2

  nornir_pyez plugin

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  change_credentials             Change username and password
  filter                         Do simple or advanced filtering
  init                           Initialize a Nornir
  print_result                   print_result from nornir_utils
  show_inventory                 Show current inventory
  write_file                     Write_file, but not from nornir_utils
  write_result                   Write `Result` object to file
  write_results                  Write `Result` object to files
$ nornir_cli nornir-f5
Usage: nornir_cli nornir-f5 [OPTIONS] COMMAND1 [ARGS]... [COMMAND2

  nornir_f5 plugin

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  atc                             Task to deploy declaratives on F5 devices
  atc_info                        Task to verify if ATC service is available
                                  and collect service info
  bigip_cm_config_sync            Task to synchronize the configuration
                                  between devices
  bigip_cm_failover_status        Task to get the failover status of the
  bigip_cm_sync_status            Task to get the synchronization status of
                                  the device
                                  Upload a file to a BIG-IP system using the
                                  iControl REST API
  bigip_shared_iapp_lx_package    Task to manage Javascript LX packages on a
  bigip_sys_version               Gets the system version of the BIG-IP
  bigip_util_unix_ls              Task to list information about the FILEs
  bigip_util_unix_rm              Task to delete a file from a BIG-IP system
  change_credentials              Change username and password
  filter                          Do simple or advanced filtering
  init                            Initialize a Nornir
  print_result                    print_result from nornir_utils
  show_inventory                  Show current inventory
  write_file                      Write_file, but not from nornir_utils
  write_result                    Write `Result` object to file
  write_results                   Write `Result` object to files
$ nornir_cli nornir-paramiko
Usage: nornir_cli nornir-paramiko [OPTIONS] COMMAND1 [ARGS]... [COMMAND2

  nornir_paramiko plugin

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  change_credentials  Change username and password
  filter              Do simple or advanced filtering
  init                Initialize a Nornir
  paramiko_command    Executes a command remotely on the host
  paramiko_sftp       Transfer files from/to the device using sftp protocol
  print_result        print_result from nornir_utils
  show_inventory      Show current inventory
  write_file          Write_file, but not from nornir_utils
  write_result        Write `Result` object to file
  write_results       Write `Result` object to files
$ nornir_cli nornir-http
Usage: nornir_cli nornir-http [OPTIONS] COMMAND1 [ARGS]... [COMMAND2

  nornir_http plugin

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  change_credentials  Change username and password
  filter              Do simple or advanced filtering
  http_method         This is a helper task that uses `httpx
                      <>`_ to interact with
                      an HTTP server
  init                Initialize a Nornir
  print_result        print_result from nornir_utils
  show_inventory      Show current inventory
  write_file          Write_file, but not from nornir_utils
  write_result        Write `Result` object to file
  write_results       Write `Result` object to files
$ nornir_cli nornir-pyxl
Usage: nornir_cli nornir-pyxl [OPTIONS] COMMAND1 [ARGS]... [COMMAND2

  nornir_pyxl plugin

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  change_credentials  Change username and password
  filter              Do simple or advanced filtering
  init                Initialize a Nornir
  print_result        print_result from nornir_utils
  pyxl_ez_data        Loads a specific sheet from a workbook(xlsx file)
  show_inventory      Show current inventory
  write_file          Write_file, but not from nornir_utils
  write_result        Write `Result` object to file
  write_results       Write `Result` object to files
$ nornir_cli nornir-netconf
Usage: nornir_cli nornir-netconf [OPTIONS] COMMAND1 [ARGS]... [COMMAND2

  nornir_netconf plugin

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  change_credentials    Change username and password
  filter                Do simple or advanced filtering
  init                  Initialize a Nornir
  netconf_capabilities  Gather Netconf capabilities from device
  netconf_commit        Commit operation
  netconf_edit_config   Edit configuration of device using Netconf
  netconf_get           Get information over Netconf from device
  netconf_get_config    Get configuration over Netconf from device
  netconf_get_schemas   Fetch provided schemas and write to a file
  netconf_lock          NETCONF locking operations for a specified datastore
  print_result          print_result from nornir_utils
  show_inventory        Show current inventory
  write_file            Write_file, but not from nornir_utils
  write_result          Write `Result` object to file
  write_results         Write `Result` object to files
Usage: nornir_cli nornir-routeros [OPTIONS] COMMAND1 [ARGS]... [COMMAND2

  nornir_routeros plugin

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  change_credentials    Change username and password
  filter                Do simple or advanced filtering
  init                  Initialize a Nornir
  print_result          print_result from nornir_utils
  routeros_command      Runs a RouterOS command such as ping or fetch
  routeros_config_item  Configures an item
  routeros_get          Returns a RouterOS resource
  show_inventory        Show current inventory
  write_file            Write_file, but not from nornir_utils
  write_result          Write `Result` object to file
  write_results         Write `Result` object to files

And start netmiko_send_command, for example:

$ nornir_cli nornir-netmiko netmiko_send_command --command_string "display clock"

# or using json string as command argument
# $ nornir_cli nornir-netmiko netmiko_send_command '{"command_string":"display clock"}'
* dev_1 ** changed : False *****************************************************
vvvv netmiko_send_command ** changed : False vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv INFO
2021-03-19 12:57:11+03:00
Time Zone(Moscow) : UTC+03:00
^^^^ END netmiko_send_command ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

dev_1            : ok=1               changed=0               failed=0

OK      : 1

Before, we added connection options for scrapli in init command. Let's check out some nornir-scrapli command:

$ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli send_command --command "display clock"

# or using json string as command argument
# $ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli send_command '{"command":"display clock"}'
* dev_1 ** changed : False *****************************************************
vvvv send_command ** changed : False vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv INFO
2021-03-19 13:18:53+03:00
Time Zone(Moscow) : UTC+03:00
^^^^ END send_command ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

dev_1            : ok=1               changed=0               failed=0

OK      : 1

As you may have noticed, there is a result and statistic in the output above. There are options --print_result and --print_stat for this. Options --no_print_result and --no_print_stat disable it.

nornir-scrapli send_command options, as instance:

$ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli send_command --help
Usage: nornir_cli nornir-scrapli send_command [OPTIONS] [ARGUMENTS]

  Send a single command to device using scrapli


          command: string to send to device in privilege exec mode

          strip_prompt: True/False strip prompt from returned output

          failed_when_contains: string or list of strings indicating failure
          if found in response

          timeout_ops: timeout ops value for this operation; only sets the
          timeout_ops value for the duration of the operation, value is reset
          to initial value after operation is completed

      Returns: nornir Result attributes(optional), statistic, progress

  --pg_bar                        Progress bar flag
  --print_result / --no_print_result
                                  print_result from nornir_utils  [default:
  --print_stat / --no_print_stat  Print Result statistic for Nornir object
                                  [default: print_stat]
  --command TEXT                  [required]
  --strip_prompt BOOLEAN          [default: True]
  --failed_when_contains TEXT     [default: None]
  --timeout_ops TEXT              [default: None]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

The examples above show 2 ways to pass parameters to the command: - using the command option:

$ nornir_cli nornir-netmiko netmiko_send_command --command_string "display clock"
- using a json string argument:
$ nornir_cli nornir-netmiko netmiko_send_command '{"command_string":"display clock"}'
# or
$ nornir_cli nornir-netmiko netmiko_send_command 'command_string=display clock'
# or
$ nornir_cli nornir-netmiko netmiko_send_command '"command_string"="display clock"'

When using options and arguments at the same time, the priority of options will be higher. For example, nornir_cli nornir-netmiko netmiko_send_command --command_string "disp ver" '{"command_string":"disp clock"}' will send disp ver command to device.

Result processing#


As you can see, you can disable default option --print_result, --print_stat and use print_result command instead of these.

--print_result option uses default arguments, but print_result command allows you to customize the output. You can output class Result attributes, limit results with --count option, print statistic with --print_stat option, etc.

Let's see print_result options and run it:

$ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli print_result --help
Usage: nornir_cli nornir-scrapli print_result [OPTIONS]

  print_result from nornir_utils

  -ph, --print_host BOOLEAN       Print hostnames  [default: True]
  -attrs, --attributes TEXT       Result class attributes you want to print
  -ps, --print_stat / -no_ps, --no_print_stat
                                  Print Result statistic for Nornir object
                                  [default: no_ps]
  -cou, --count INTEGER           Results counter
                                  Show only errors with this severity level or
                                  higher  [default: INFO]
  --failed BOOLEAN                If True assume the task failed  [default:
  --help                          Show this message and exit.
$ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli send_command --command "disp clock" --no_print_result --no_print_stat print_result -attrs '["result", "diff"]' -ps

# or using json string as command argument
# please note that the arguments must be specified after the options
# $ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli send_command --no_print_result --no_print_stat '{"command":"disp clock"}' print_result -attrs '["result", "diff"]' -ps
* dev_1 ** changed : False *****************************************************
vvvv send_command ** changed : False vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv INFO
2021-10-03 16:40:06+03:00
Time Zone(Moscow) : UTC+03:00
^^^^ END send_command ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
dev_1         : ok=1               changed=0               failed=0

OK      : 1

# send_command doesn't have "diff" attribute, so it's not displayed

write_result and write_results

Result can be written to a file using write_result command for all hosts from current Inventory.

By default, write_result tries to create a file in the current directory or in the specified directory, if file doesn't exist.

write_result command has many options. For example, you can exclude errors from a file, write "diff" to another file or output it, use different write modes, limit entries number, etc.

If you want to see which hosts have completed the task with an error, but do not add errors to the files, use --no_errors or -ne with --print_stat or -ps option.

$ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli write_result --help
Usage: nornir_cli nornir-scrapli write_result [OPTIONS]

  Write an object of type `nornir.core.task.Result` to file

  -f, --filename TEXT             File you want to write into  [required]
  -ne, --no_errors                Do not write errors to file  [default:
  -wh, --write_host BOOLEAN       Write hostnames  [default: True]
  -dtf, --diff_to_file PATH       Write diff to file
  -pd, --print_diff / -no_pd, --no_print_diff
                                  Print diff  [default: no_pd]
  -a, --append                    Whether you want to replace the contents or
                                  append to it  [default: False]
  -attrs, --attributes TEXT       Result attributes you want to write (str or
                                  list(json string)). There can be any Result
                                  attributes or text. By default, the result
                                  attribute is used
  -ps, --print_stat / -no_ps, --no_print_stat
                                  Print Result statistic for Nornir object
                                  [default: no_ps]
  -cou, --count INTEGER           Results counter
                                  Show only errors with this severity level or
                                  higher  [default: INFO]
  --failed BOOLEAN                If True assume the task failed  [default:
  --help                          Show this message and exit.
$ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli send_command --command "disp clock" --no_print_result --no_print_stat write_result -f test.txt -ne -ps -attrs '["result", "diff"]'

# or using json string as command argument
# please note that the arguments must be specified after the options
# $ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli send_command --no_print_result --no_print_stat '{"command":"disp clock"}' write_result -f test.txt -ne -ps -attrs '["result", "diff"]'
dev_1         : ok=1               changed=0               failed=0              

OK      : 1

# send_command doesn't have "diff" attribute, so it's not displayed
vvvv dev_1: ** send_command ** changed : False  INFO

2021-10-03 17:03:41+03:00
Time Zone(Moscow) : UTC+03:00

Result can be written to a files with hostnames as filenames using write_results command for all hosts from current Inventory. For example, it is usefull for diagnostic commands, that run many show something or display something commands.

By default, write_results tries to create a specified directory, if it doesn't exist.

write_results command has the same options as write_result, but uses -d or --dirname instead of -f or --filename.

If you want to see which hosts have completed the task with an error, but do not add errors to the files, use --no_errors or -ne with --print_stat or -ps option.

$ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli write_results --help
Usage: nornir_cli nornir-scrapli write_results [OPTIONS]

  Write an object of type `nornir.core.task.Result` to files with hostname

  -d, --dirname TEXT              Direcotry you want to write into  [required]
  -ne, --no_errors                Do not write errors to file  [default:
  -wh, --write_host BOOLEAN       Write hostnames  [default: True]
  -dtf, --diff_to_file PATH       Write diff to file
  -pd, --print_diff / -no_pd, --no_print_diff
                                  Print diff  [default: no_pd]
  -a, --append                    Whether you want to replace the contents or
                                  append to it  [default: False]
  -attrs, --attributes TEXT       Result attributes you want to write (str or
                                  list(json string)). There can be any Result
                                  attributes or text. By default, the result
                                  attribute is used
  -ps, --print_stat / -no_ps, --no_print_stat
                                  Print Result statistic for Nornir object
                                  [default: no_ps]
  -cou, --count INTEGER           Results counter
                                  Show only errors with this severity level or
                                  higher  [default: INFO]
  --failed BOOLEAN                If True assume the task failed  [default:
  --help                          Show this message and exit.
$ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli send_command --command "disp clock" --no_print_result --no_print_stat write_results -d test -ne -ps -attrs '["result", "diff"]'

# or using json string as command argument
# please note that the arguments must be specified after the options
# $ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli send_command --no_print_result --no_print_stat '{"command":"disp clock"}' write_results -d test -ne -ps -attrs '["result", "diff"]'
dev_1         : ok=1               changed=0               failed=0

OK      : 1

# send_command doesn't have "diff" attribute, so it's not displayed
vvvv dev_1 ** send_command ** changed : False  INFO

2021-10-03 17:28:57+03:00
Time Zone(Moscow) : UTC+03:00


write_file command writes any text to a file with the required number of indents. So you can add some useful data to previously generated file test.txt:

$ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli write_file --help
Usage: nornir_cli nornir-scrapli write_file [OPTIONS]

  Write_file, but not from nornir_utils

  -l, --line_feed      number of \n before text  [default: 0;x>=0]
  -a, --append         Whether you want to replace the contents or append to
                       it  [default: False]
  -c, --content TEXT   Content you want to write (string)  [required]
  -f, --filename TEXT  File you want to write into  [required]
  --help               Show this message and exit.
$ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli write_file -lll -a -c "some useful data" -f test.txt
vvvv dev_1 ** send_command ** changed : False  INFO

2021-10-03 17:03:41+03:00
Time Zone(Moscow) : UTC+03:00

some useful data

What about netconf?#

If some devices support netconf, you can use nornir-scrapli, nornir-netconf or nornir-pyez Nornir plugins from nornir_cli.

Here is easy way to get xml tree from yang

As instance,dev_3 understands netconf XML. Let's get nornir.core.Nornir object for dev_3 and run some netconf command with nornir-scrapli and nornir-netconf:


$ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli init -u username -p password -co '{"scrapli": {"platform": "huawei_vrp", "extras":{"ssh_config_file": true}}}' filter --hosts -s 'name=dev_3'
$ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli netconf_get --filter_='<ifm xmlns=""><interfaces><interface><ifName/></interface></interfaces></ifm>' --filter_type subtree

# or
# $ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli netconf_get --filter_ '<ifm xmlns=""><interfaces><interface><ifName/></interface></interfaces></ifm>' --filter_type subtree

* dev_3 ** changed : False *****************************************************
vvvv netconf_get ** changed : False vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv INFO
<rpc-reply xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="101">
    <ifm xmlns="">



^^^^ END netconf_get ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

dev_3                                        : ok=1               changed=0               failed=0

OK      : 1

nornir-netconf with write_result command:

nornir_cli nornir-netconf init -u username -p password -c None -co '{"netconf": {"extras":{"allow_agent": false, "look_for_keys": false, "hostkey_verify": false}}}' -f 'inventory={"plugin":"NetBoxInventory2", "options": {"nb_url": "http://your_netbox_domain", "nb_token": "your_netbox_token", "ssl_verify": false}} runner={"plugin": "threaded", "options": {"num_workers": 50}}'

$ nornir_cli nornir-netconf filter -s 'name=dev_3'
$ nornir_cli nornir-netconf netconf_get --path '<ifm xmlns="" content-version="1.0" format-version="1.0">  <interfaces>    <interface>      <ifName/>    </interface>  </interfaces></ifm>' --filter_type subtree  --no_print_result --no_print_stat write_result -f netconf.txt
vvvv dev_3: netconf_get ** changed : False vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv INFO

{'error': None, 'errors': [], 'ok': True, 'rpc': <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rpc-reply message-id="urn:uuid:3" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
    <ifm xmlns="">

What about http, xlsx, jinja2?#

nornir_cli includes nornir-http, nornir-pyxl, nornir-jinja2 Nornir plugins.

Remember that when using these plugins, each command is run for each host from the Inventory. Therefore, if you need to process xlsx, execute http request or get a single jinja2 template without binding to devices, then run the command from the Nornir plugin for one device from the Inventory.

See examples

Command chains#

And, of course, you can run any command chains, even very scary ones. For nornir_cli version <= 1.2.0, you can use the following syntax:

$ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli init -u username -p password \
-co '{"scrapli": {"platform": "huawei_vrp", "extras":{"ssh_config_file": true}}}' \
filter --hosts -s 'name=dev_1' send_command --command "display clock" \
send_interactive --interact_events '[["save", "Are you sure to continue?[Y/N]", false], \
["Y", "Save the configuration successfully.", true]]'

For nornir_cli version >= 1.3.0, you can use only json strings as an argument:

# $ nornir_cli nornir-scrapli init -u username -p password \
-co '{"scrapli": {"platform": "huawei_vrp", "extras":{"ssh_config_file": true}}}' \
filter --hosts -s '{"name":"dev_1"}' send_command '{"command":"display clock"}' \
send_interactive '{"interact_events":[["save", "Are you sure to continue?[Y/N]", false], \
["Y", "Save the configuration successfully.", true]]}'

* dev_1 ** changed : False *****************************************************
vvvv send_command ** changed : False vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv INFO
2021-03-19 14:12:38+03:00
Time Zone(Moscow) : UTC+03:00
^^^^ END send_command ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

dev_1            : ok=1               changed=0               failed=0

OK      : 1

* dev_1 ** changed : True ******************************************************
vvvv send_interactive ** changed : True vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv INFO
^^^^ END send_interactive ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

dev_1            : ok=1               changed=1               failed=0

OK      : 1

Again, i repeat that each argument can be passed to the Task as a json string.

Runbook collections#

If you solve some automation tasks with the Nornir, then you, probably, have Nornir runbooks.You can use nornir_cli as interface for manage these Nornir runbooks.

Create any directory trees in the custom_commands directory and put your Nornir runbooks there, following the simple rules. Then run them for any hosts from CLI, managing your inventory with nornir_cli. This is very similar to Ansible Roles.

Let's create a collection of your Nornir runbooks using nornir_cli.

For example, I have Nornir runbook called "", and I want to add it to a dhcp group in nornir_cli. Then, my directory tree:

$ tree ~/virtenvs/py3.8.4/lib/python3.8/site-packages/nornir_cli/custom_commands/
├── dhcp
│   ├──
│   └── templates
│       ├── dhcp_snooping.j2
│       └── disp_int.template

2 directories, 4 files

And my nornir_cli structure:

$ nornir_cli
Usage: nornir_cli [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Nornir CLI

  Orchestrate your Inventory and start Tasks and Runbooks

  --version  Show the version and exit.
  --help     Show this message and exit.

  nornir-f5        nornir_f5 plugin
  nornir-http      nornir_http plugin
  nornir-jinja2    nornir_jinja2 plugin
  nornir-napalm    nornir_napalm plugin
  nornir-netconf   nornir_netconf plugin
  nornir-netmiko   nornir_netmiko plugin
  nornir-paramiko  nornir_paramiko plugin
  nornir-pyez      nornir_pyez plugin
  nornir-pyxl      nornir_pyxl plugin
  nornir-routeros  nornir_routeros plugin
  nornir-scrapli   nornir_scrapli plugin
$ nornir_cli dhcp
Usage: nornir_cli dhcp [OPTIONS] COMMAND1 [ARGS]... [COMMAND2 [ARGS]...]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  change_credentials  Change username and password
  dhcp_snooping       Configure dhcp snooping
  filter              Do simple or advanced filtering
  init                Initialize a Nornir
  print_result        print_result from nornir_utils
  show_inventory      Show current inventory
  write_file          Write_file, but not from nornir_utils
  write_result        Write `Result` object to file
  write_results       Write `Result` object to files

Ok, let's run the dhcp_snooping command on all access switches from our NetBox Inventory:

$ nornir_cli dhcp init filter --hosts -s -a 'data__device_type__model__contains=S2320-28TP-EI-DC & name__contains=access'
$ nornir_cli dhcp dhcp_snooping
access_1            : ok=1               changed=1               failed=0

OK      : 1

More detailed - How to add your custom Nornir runbook in nornir_cli